小马哈鱼: emotionally rich & sincere affair story. The film beautifully relates how sheer blind luck is going to cause the lives of two ordinary persons to be utterly shaken up. Two well-grounded people, both leading a stable and happily married life with their loved partner and children, get thrust into the fever of love & passion. But their unexciting routine is exchanged for rejuvenation & bliss only for a short time. For there is constant tension between the characters’ deep & requited love and the shackles of the society they live in, esp. from a moral perspective. Very interestingly, the movie also depicts the gap between how different social classes experience extra-marital relationships.
当心背后:女孩爱上痞子的剧情现在看起来不怎么样所谓“先锋三部曲”对比《老板娘2之无间潜行》、《韩影阁》里面关于人和体制的探讨本片就没有什么社会性男主无业遇见的都不是常人(讹诈心狠手辣的、黑社会)憨豆先生的黄金周主要讲他遇见的女人:1 女主(因为“和别人不一样”爱上了他) 2 同学(之前想当刘胡兰却为离婚抚养费而和外国人结婚)3 黑社会 (主要经营仙人跳)人物关系靠台词
200斤群众:人间处处有真情啊 畸形的爱到后面习惯成自然也会变成真爱吧 反正都是爱 愣头青的入世生活才刚刚开始呢